Heather Ackroyd and Dan Harvey

Heather Ackroyd and Dan Harvey have collaborated since 1990. “After observing the pale outline created by a ladder left on a lawn for a few days, the duo decided to make sod into a photographic medium.”

Heather Ackroyd’s has worked in sculpture, visual and performance art. Multidisciplinary work with focus on processes of growth and transformation, striving to articulate a relationship between performance and visual art.

Dan Harvey has worked primarily in sculpture since 1980 and often uses found objects where the effects of nature can be seen. He places these within “intimate tableaux of implied narratives to do with transience, alchemy and decay. ” Slate is a principle material in much of his work. The scale moves from very small intimate pieces to large landscape designs. Their collaborative work includes installation, sculpture, landscape design, photography, performance, film and frequently reflects both architectural and scientific concerns. Another conceptual focus is time and visibility.